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Instructions & Important Notices

These are basic instructions for registering for DAB E-File.

Register as a DAB E-File user:

  1. Visit
  2. Click "Register Here" on the DAB E-File home page
  3. Enter the information requested on the "Register New Account" form
  4. Click "Register Account" at the bottom of the form

After you register for DAB E-File, you can:

  1. File a new appeal,
  2. File an Answer in a CTP case,
  3. Request access to an existing case, and
  4. Manage your existing appeals.

To request access to an existing case:

  1. Login into your DAB E-file account,
  2. Click "Request Access to Your Case" on the left-side menu,
  3. Enter the Docket Number of the case you are requesting access to,
  4. If you are representing a party, please upload a signed notice of appearance or appointment of representative indicating you are authorized to act on the party's behalf.
  5. Click "Continue,"
  6. You will receive a system notification once your request is approved. Once you are given access to a case, the docket number will appear under Docketed Appeals when you log into DAB E-file.

To do any of these things, click on the specific DAB division where your appeal should be filed or where your case already exists. You can read the Frequently Asked Questions (or FAQs) to help you figure out where to file or find your appeal or to access your case.

To be considered timely filed, documents must be uploaded to DAB E-File by 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time on the day that the filing is due.

The use of DAB E-File to file a document fulfills any signature requirement applicable to the party representative who made the filing. (The e-mail address and password used by the representative to access DAB E-File will serve as the filer's electronic signature on documents that would ordinarily contain or are required to contain the filer's signature.)

At all times, you assume the risk of all errors not solely attributable to a DAB E-File malfunction that may result in the inability to complete an electronic filing.

Check your spam folder for DAB E-File system notifications! DAB E-file system notifications may sometimes be sent to your spam or junk folder. To ensure you do not miss important updates to your case, please add to your safe sender list or regularly check your spam folder regularly.

If you experience technical issues with DAB E-File, please contact DAB E-File System Support at If you already have a case pending before the DAB, you should also contact the Attorney-Advisor assigned to your case. You should provide supporting evidence of the problem, such as a copy of an error message or screen print of an error page.